This award recognises the growing importance of partnership working in the parking sector. There are many types of partnerships, including those formed between:
- Departments within a local authority
- Lo local authority and its contractors
- Public sector agencies
- Private sector organisations.
The criteria:
The judges are looking for evidence of:
- A partnership rather than traditional client-contractor deal.
- Clear operational, financial or other benefits achieved from the partnership.
- Joint planning, working and deployment of resources.
- Open and clear communication between the partners and their respective stakeholders.
- Potential benefit to wider parking sector as service and/or exemplor.
Where appropriate the following areas should be addressed and supporting material provided:
- Names of organisations within the partnership.
- Names of key managers.
- Nature of partnership: Formal, informal, contractual, joint venture, etc.
- Objective of partnership.
- Tasks undertaken by partnership.
- Extent of sharing of offices, staff, IT, etc.
- Evidence of success.
- Future objectives and plans.
Please supply:
1. Images.
2. Organisational chart/definition of partnership.
3. Customer and client feedback/testimonials,
4. Details of other awards won. |