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British Parking Awards 2011
British Parking Awards 2011
Parking Partnerships Award
Entry Criteria
This award recognises the growing importance of partnership working in the parking sector. There are many types of partnerships, including those formed between:

  • Departments within a local authority
  • Lo local authority and its contractors
  • Public sector agencies
  • Private sector organisations.
The criteria:
The judges are looking for evidence of:

  • A partnership rather than traditional client-contractor deal.
  • Clear operational, financial or other benefits achieved from the partnership.
  • Joint planning, working and deployment of resources.
  • Open and clear communication between the partners and their respective stakeholders.
  • Potential benefit to wider parking sector as service and/or exemplor.
Where appropriate the following areas should be addressed and supporting material provided:

  • Names of organisations within the partnership.
  • Names of key managers.
  • Nature of partnership: Formal, informal, contractual, joint venture, etc.
  • Objective of partnership.
  • Tasks undertaken by partnership.
  • Extent of sharing of offices, staff, IT, etc.
  • Evidence of success.
  • Future objectives and plans.
Please supply:

1. Images.
2. Organisational chart/definition of partnership.
3. Customer and client feedback/testimonials,
4. Details of other awards won.

British Parking Awards
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