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British Parking Awards 2011
British Parking Awards 2011
Parking and the Environment Award
Entry Criteria
This award recognises the increasing number of environmentally sensitive parking operations. Schemes that are eligible include those that make parking operations more sustainable (ie: energy saving and energy efficiency technologies, recycling, etc) and ways in which parking operations can influence and transform behaviour (ie: park & ride, car clubs, car sharing, electric vehicle charging, emissions-based permit schemes, cycle parking, etc)

The criteria
The judges will be looking for the following:

  • A clearly identified environmental problem/impact to remedy.
  • The objectives of the scheme and extent to which these were achieved.
  • Evidence of cooperation between organisations involved — parking operator, local authority, planners, street management teams, manufacturers, designers, environmental consultants, local community.
  • Ways in which the environmental improvements were funded.
  • Technological and operational innovations developed to deliver environmental improvement.
  • Improvements to the car park, parking equipment, street-scene, town centre, etc
  • Ways in which the problem and solution were measures and audited.
  • Maintainability and sustainability of the scheme.
  • Does the scheme reduce car use, or encourage/ease use of alternative modes of transport (cycling, walking, buses, trains, etc)?
  • Does the scheme encourage/facilitate more environmentally friendly uses of the car or vehicles using alternative fuels?
Where appropriate, the following areas should be addressed and supporting material provided:

  • The individual or team responsible for delivering the solution.
  • Record of consultation and partnership working involved in delivering the solution.
  • Degree of innovative thinking and common sense applied to achieving the solution.
  • Marketing and publicity given to the scheme.
  • Evidence of successful implementation and customer/client feedback.
  • Evidence of the innovation’s success — user feedback, accessibility audits, etc.
  • Publicity and marketing materials.
Please supply:

1. Images.
2. Environmental legislation covering project.
3. Customer and client feedback/testimonials.
4. Details of other awards won.

British Parking Awards
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